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🏥 👶 The pediatric direction of the Republican Hospital was added

Batumi Republican-Clinical Hospital continues to expand its services.

🏥 🛏️ This time, a pediatric department with 50 beds was added to the clinic.

👉 The Minister of Health and Social Protection of Adjara, Nino Nizharadze, Deputy Ministers, Director of Medical Holding of Georgia, Lado Shelia, and Chairman of the Health Protection and Social Affairs Committee of the Supreme Council of Adjara, Ilia Verdzadze, attended the opening event.

💊 The following pediatric directions are available in the hospital:

👉 Children's emergency aid,

👉 general pediatrics,

👉 cardiorheumatology,

👉 Nephrology,

👉 Allergology,

👉 Neurology,

👉 toxicology,

👉 Gastroenterology,

👉 Children's infections,

👉 General surgery,

👉 Maxillofacial surgery

👉 Orthopedics-traumatology,

👉 Oto-Rhino-Laryngology. Also, children's resuscitation will be added in the near future.

👨‍⚕️ 🩺 Pediatrician Tamaz Surmanidze, a pediatrician with 37 years of work experience, children's cardiorheumatologist, will be in charge.

🏥 The new building of the 202-bed Batumi Republican Clinical Hospital was opened in 2020. Initially, the facility served Covid patients, later various services were added and it currently functions as a multi-disciplinary medical facility.