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It is possible to receive inpatient and outpatient ophthalmological services at the Batumi Republican Clinical Hospital.

In the ophthalmological centers of the clinic, patients receive the following diagnostic services provided by modern equipment:

* Visometry;

* refractometry;

* keratometry;

* Selection of glasses correction of different difficulty;

* biomicroscopy;

* Ophthalmotonometry;

* Ophthalmoscopy.

Also, various types of ophthalmological operations are performed:

* phacoemulsification of cataract (senile, traumatic, complicated, diabetic) with artificial crystal implantation;

* Anti-glaucomatous operations: surgery to place a shunt on the anterior chamber;

* Trabeculotomy with iridectomy, trabeculoplasty;

* anterior vitrectomy;

* Excision of wing membrane and transplantation of conjunctiva;

* Operations on tear ducts: transnasal dacryocystorhinostomy, dacryocystectomy;

* Reconstructive operations on eyelids:

   - excision of the cartilage and skin of the eyelid due to ectropion,

   - Combined entropion correction.

* Plastic surgery of the eyelids;

* Evisceration and enucleation;

* Chalazion dissection.